We spent the morning in San Francisco. Well apparently its a $5 toll per bike to go back. Jerks! I have no idea why anyone would want to go to San Francisco. It was over crowded and people were generally rude. The highlight was a family of performers from England who although not great in acrobatic skill were very good at performing. It was to be expected because they were trying to raise money to go to acrobat school. The shop staff stood out on the street and tried to had you stuff so you would feel obligated to buy it.
We left San Francisco on our way to Reno. We checked into our hotel and headed out to the strip.
It was just crazy how weird it was. Everyone was old. It was as if you captured Las Vegas from 40 years ago and remade it. We walked into this art performance thing at the end of the street. It was pretty strange. Mike suggested we leave before we got ass raped. I agreed. We got some food from what Mike called the worlds oldest short order cook. He was working the whole show by himself and he looked to be about 70. The beers were cheap at $2 for tall cans but unlike Vegas you can't take drinks out of the buildings. After that we decided to walk back to the motel. On the way after stopping for snacks there was a group of bikers. We proceeded to walk down a dark alleyway to get around them. We made it back to the hotel without getting bothered.